KC IMAGINE Announces Keynote Speaker for Fall Conference

Thoka Maer, Art DIrector, Google Doodles

On September 24th KC IMAGINE will host its annual fall conference from 9:30 to 3:30 at the Kauffman Foundation Conference Center at 4801 Rockhill Road, Kansas City, Missouri 64110. Information about the conference will soon be sent to KC IMAGINE subscribers.

Ron Green, Co-Founder and Executive Director of KC IMAGINE has announced that Google has graciously agreed to send Thoka Maer, Art DIrector for Google Doodles, to the conference as our keynote speaker.

Thoka Maer: Our Keynote Presenter

KC IMAGINE is thrilled that Thoka Maer, Art Director for Google Doodles will offer the keynote presentation for our conference.  Hailing from East Germany and now a happy New Yorker for a decade, Thoka received a visual communication degree from the Universität der Künste in Berlin and then quickly gained international attention for the charming appeal of her illustrations.  Prior to her work with Google Doodles, Thoka spent her days as an independent illustrator, animator and artist, fortunate enough to collaborate with incredible brands like The New York Times, Calvin Klein, United Nations, Buzzfeed, Nike, HBO, Reebok, Sony, and TED, to name just a few.  A close look at her artwork reveals that Maer has a gift for GIFs.  A look at her It’s No Biggie blog reveals how deftly she creates subtle animations that add another layer of interest and engagement to the soft, elegant nature of her hand-drawn work.  Her illustrations often evoke a sense of calmness, serenity, or quiet contemplation.

It is no surprise that her creative journey eventually led to Google.  Today, as an art director for Google Doodle, Thoka is working with artists from around the world to explore and tell stories through the Google logo. Inspired by folk art, the ever-evolving world of technology, riddles and problem solving, books, and the beauty of nature, she's constantly striving to explore new materials and techniques, especially fabric and clay in her art practice. Maer’s keynote presentation will provide a look at her distinctive illustration style and a glimpse into the world of Google Doodles, the artistic process behind them, and the collaborative spirit that brings these interactive artworks to life.

Thoka Maer: it’s no biggie


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